better hydration for your office

Artesian Bottleless Water provides water and ice systems for your office.

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try a bottleless water cooler free for 7 days

delicious water, always on demand!

Proudly servicing customers since 1955.

A Bottleless Water Cooler from Artesian cleans and purifies your existing tap water with our multi-stage filtration and purification process, removing dirt, rust, lead, chlorine, and other harmful chemicals.

When you use our bottleless water coolers and commercial ice machines, you are helping to reduce the use of plastic, lowering carbon emissions, and providing clean, unlimited water and ice to your company.

Our goal is to provide cost-effective and efficient water treatment technologies for all our clients. Saving you money and ensuring industry-leading customer service.

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Explore our water solutions

i12 Bottleless Water and Ice cooler by Artesian

explore our

Water + Ice Coolers

Cold, Hot, Ambient Water + Ice

Meridian Series by Arteisan

explore our

ice machines

Fresh, clean ice on demand

B4+CT Sparkling Water Cooler by Artesian

explore our

specialty machines

Sparkling, deionized, reverse osmosis

Join our mission

Leaving it better than we found it

Our daily plastic use has a significant impact on our community environments. Every year, endless amounts of plastic waste make its way into our oceans, much of it funneled there by rivers and streams. However, by partnering with Artesian, you will have a direct impact in helping solve these important environmental issues. Artesian is committed to donating a portion of its funds each year to charities combatting plastic pollution and providing clean water, locally and on a global scale. Now is the time to take action. Let’s work together to become One Bottleless Nation.

why go bottleless?

Eliminate waste, save the environment, and drink clean, great-tasting water and ice right out of the tap!

M4000 an i12 bottleless water coolers
try a bottleless water cooler free for 7 days

delicious water, always on demand!

Want to try our bottleless water cooler for free? Connect with one of our representatives to start your free trial.

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